Bob Eddy - Lifetime Achievement Award

Award designed by Linda Eddy

Presented during the Christmas Banquet on December 16, 2004



Presentation words of Vice President Eric Leonard...

It is my honor and privilege to acknowledge the contributions and achievements of our President and Show Chairman, Colonel Robert Eddy.

Bob has been a member of the Crescent City Coin Club since 1962 and was elected President for the first time in 1964.  I say the “first time” because Bob has been elected President every year that ends in 4 beginning with 1964.  That’s right, he served as President in 1964, 1974, 1984, 1994, and 2004.  For that matter, he also served as President in 1985, 1986, and has been re-elected as President for 2005.

In addition to the many times he has served as President, Bob has held other offices and has been a driving force on the Board of Governors. 

But we will always think of Bob first and foremost as our Show Chairman.   He does the planning, contacts the dealers, negotiates the contracts, sees to security, collects the fees, stores the equipment, delivers the equipment, oversees and participates in the show set-up, supervises the show, oversees and participates in the show take-down, packs-up the equipment, unloads the equipment back into storage… and does so leaving men half his age out of breath and aching for days to follow. 

Bob has earned the respect and gratitude of every member and friend of the Crescent City Coin Club.  I speak for all of us when I say “thank you, Bob” and please accept this Lifetime Achievement Award.


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